
Healing Ceremonies

Our transformational healing ceremonies are informed by traditional healing practices and skillfully facilitated to offer the wisdom of our plant medicine teachers in a supportive community setting.


Known as the “vaccine of the jungle” this natural medicine has powerful benefits for detoxification, purification, pain relief and supports in the transition from pharmaceuticals, addictive substances and behaviors.

Women’s Work

Guided by the Divine Feminine, traditional healing practices and master plant medicines, these ceremonies are intimate and supportive invitations to women and those who identify as women to dive deeply within.

Men’s Work

Guided by the Divine Masculine, traditional healing practices and master plant medicines, this work is for men and those who identify as men who are ready to step fully into their sacred masculinity with respect and love for self and other.


Veterans Program

 Our Veterans program offers the opportunity for both veterans and those in active military duty to work with master plant medicine teachers in a supportive trauma-informed setting. We offer individual and group ceremonies focused on healing issues, such as trauma and PTSD to nurture and heal the warrior within.

Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage are used to mark a certain moment in time, with intention and purpose. They are opportunities to create a new story of ‘before and ‘after’ by marking a threshold in our lives through prayer, ritual, rite, and community. They create a container for spiritual initiation, a time for deep reflection and consideration of all that has happened, and all that is yet to come.

Amazon Retreats

The Amazon Rain Forest in the far western region of Brazil is one of the most enchanted places on our planet. It is full of medicines, pulsing with prana, and gives birth to new life each day. Our retreats provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to visit indigenous villages and work intimately with master plant and animal medicines in their natural habitat with the facilitation of local Shamanic healers.

Preparation & Integration Guidance

The work we do has the power to shift every aspect of a person’s life.
We have a well-qualified team who can help support each participant with individualized preparation and integration guidance. These sessions are one-on-one and uniquely crafted based on the individuals needs.

Create to Integrate
Workshop Series

Join us for this special online workshop series focused on artful integration through creative expression practices offered for members of the Truth is One community by artist – facilitators within our community. Within this series, we will dive deeply into ourselves, exploring sketchbook and journal practices integrated with breathwork, meditation and quiet wakefulness.

Community Gatherings

Our community is at the heart of all we do. Cultivating mutually supportive relationships with other like-minded people on the path is an essential component for healing, change and growth. We come together regularly for events, such as: community fires, song shares, potlucks, celebrations and integration circles.

Join us

We welcome people of all faiths, religions, and cultural backgrounds. To protect the delicate healing nature, sanctity and discretion of our work, our ceremonial services are only open to Truth is One members. To learn more about the process of becoming a member, please click the link below.