
Everything you need is within.

It is our sacred mission to support you on every step of your journey within. We offer ceremony, integration guidance and community support, so that you can transform your life and the world around you.

Are you experiencing one of life’s challenging initiations, like the loss of a loved one, a relationship, a job or an old identity that no longer seems to fit you, or struggling to let go of old habits and ways of life that no longer serve you?

Are you awakening to new possibilities or a new sense of spiritual emergence, but you don’t know how to integrate them into your daily existence?

Maybe you’ve walked this path by yourself for a while now and have tried everything you know, but you still yearn for more healing, more connection and more wholeness. While the answers we seek are ultimately within ourselves, we’re not meant to walk this journey alone.

Journey with Us.


Skillful preparation and integration are essential to the process of working with sacred plant and animal medicines for deep healing and transformation. We offer individualized pre and post ceremony guidance sessions, spiritual life coaching and an abundance of educational resources to help you integrate your insights and make meaningful changes in your life.


Coming together with our spiritual community to pray and heal through ceremony is the cornerstone of what we do. The container for our work is respectfully informed by traditional indigenous shamanic practices and skillfully facilitated by experienced practitioners to safely offer sacraments of plant and animal medicines, including: Kambo, Rapé and Sananga. We offer community works, as well as Womens’ and Mens’ ceremonies and programs for military veterans and those serving in active duty. We also create customized ceremonies for individuals, families and small groups.


We’ve found that cultivating mutually supportive relationships with others who are on the spiritual path is essential for our healing, growth and resilience. Gathering in community and fostering deep and sustaining relationships is the key to creating the new paradigm our hearts are yearning for. We come together regularly in-person and online for community events, potlucks, celebrations and integration circles to connect and support each other.


What People Say

“Truth is One is a profoundly, joyously awakened space in which to release and transmute trauma in the most sacred way possible.”

-KDH, member

“David and Alanna hold the safest and the most nonjudgmental space I have ever experienced. A true place for presence, healing, and self discovery.” 

– SH, member

“The medicine breathed fresh air into my life, and revitalized my purpose with a rousing battle cry – to serve as a spiritual warrior. Words just cannot describe the profundity of this experience.”

– JS, veteran and member

We’re here to support You.

We’re here to support you as you expand your consciousness, transform your life and reach your greatest potential as a human being. Real change is possible and it begins within each one of us.

Answer the call from within you.

Walk with us on your journey to heal and transform your life and the world.