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Join Us

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We welcome people of all faiths, religions, cultural backgrounds and identities.
To protect the delicate healing nature, sanctity and discretion of our spiritual work, as well as the privacy of participants, our retreats and ceremonies are only open to those who have gone through our orientation process. The process requires an orientation call and screening.

The first step is filling out the form below to request your orientation call. Someone from our team will email you to schedule an appointment time within one week. If you do not receive an email in this time frame, please check your spam/promotions folder.

Orientation calls are conducted by members of our core team and offer the opportunity for you to ask questions, express your intentions to participate in our offerings, and learn more about our upcoming ceremonies, retreats and events. During the call, you will be guided toward specific offerings that are most appropriate for you and any beneficial preparation work needed.

After you complete our orientation process, you will be able to view our upcoming offerings and apply for those you wish to attend. However, this does not guarantee the ability or availability to attend. Some offerings have specific requirements and prerequisites that must be met in order to complete the registration process. You will be guided through this process during your orientation call.

We’re greatly looking forward to meeting you and hearing more about your intentions and path.

Truth is One